
Keiken case study uninterrupted water supply in a Resort Hotel in Sri Lanka

Keiken case study uninterrupted water supply in a Resort Hotel in Sri Lanka

One of KEIKEN case studies is the design and implementation of a system that solves the problem of access to water in a hotel in Sri Lanka. The objective is clear: UNINTERRUPTED WATER ACCESS AND OPTIONALLY PROPOSES THE POWER SUPPLY OF THIS DEPURATION SYSTEM WITH RENEWABLE ENERGIES, GENERATING EXCESSIVE ENERGY THAT COULD BE USED AT THE HOTEL.

We will present this Case Study analyzing its location and situation at that time and then the two solutions proposed by KEIKEN.

1. Current situation

• Constant problems with the water quality obtained from the grid.
• An area with few showers of rain and is characterized by being a dry area.
• It's an area at risk of desertification.
• High demand for water for use in the hotel itself and as irrigation water from gardens and golf course.
• Water outages occur and not all the water needed for proper operation is consumed by the hotel.
• High monthly network water supply costs. Having a daily drinking water consumption of 300m3 for hotel uses and 1,200 m3 for irrigation of gardens and golf courses.

2. KEIKEN Solution No.1: Using electricity from the grid.

KEIKEN designed, to solve the problem of supply of existing water, a Desalination Plant that supplies 1,200 m3 of water per day, of which 300m3 will be supplied for consumption in the hotel. Once the water has been consumed in the hotel, the treatment and regeneration of this wastewater are included in the process, obtaining 300 m3/day of recycled water. If we combine that recycled water with the other 900 m3/day of the desalination plant, we get the daily contribution needed for the gardens and golf courses of 1,200 m3/day.
The water of the proposed Desalination plant is provided directly from seawater, being an inexhaustible source of recourse and independent of the cuts of the network. This solution allows to provide the necessary water consumption by the hotel, however, the proposed treatments require an initial investment and operating costs associated with the cost of electricity. In this option, the electricity of the grid would be used to power the proposed treatments, with a PAYBACK OF 5 YEARS AND ACHIEVING A SAVING OF ALMOST 2MM IN 20 YEARS.

3. KEIKEN Solution No2: Using Renewable Energy, being a Circular Economy solution.

The situation is very similar to the previous case, however, it is proposed to install a biomass plant that completely nourishes the proposed water and regeneration treatments, and that generates an excess of 220 electric kW that can be used in the hotel. This solution offers zero electricity and thermal energy costs in water treatments and savings in the cost of electricity in the hotel, as shown in the following image:This option allows to provide the necessary water consumption by the hotel, however, the proposed treatments require an initial investment and a necessary cost to feed the plant with available biomass in the area. This option has a PAYBACK OF 3.5 YEARS AND REACH A SAVING OF CASI 5MM IN 20 YEARS.

4. Savings, operating costs and comparison between both solutions

Below it is more in detail the proposed solutions and the comparison between them taking into account the initial investment, operating costs, associated monthly savings, plant life, economic savings at 20 years and PAYBACK:


As can be seen in the analysis table, both solutions are feasible, striking and involve very significant monthly savings, achieving a return on investment between 3.5-5 years and with economic savings at 20 years of almost 2MM or 5MM, depending on the solution to be carried out.

At KEIKEN we have the experience and versatility necessary to propose, design and carry out the best technological solutions for each particular project, adapting to the needs of the client at very competitive prices and ensuring unbeatable times.

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