
Regeneration and reuse of industrial wastewater

Regeneration and reuse of industrial wastewater

Water is the basic resource of any industrial process, whether used as raw material or as an auxiliary resource in its production process, in heating, refrigeration or for cleaning. However, we must be aware that their availability is limited, and that the efficient and sustainable use of water should be promoted.

Good water management not only implies complying with the dumping limits established in the legislation, but going beyond:

• Establishing a water management that ensures respect for the natural environment and decreases the hydric footprint.

• Reducing water consumption in industrial processes.

• Developing strategies for the reuse of water and obtain greater efficiency.
There are different ways to promote water reuse. For example, water can be recirculated in processes such as: washing fruits and vegetables after a simple treatment. You can also recycle the water used in the packaging process or ancillary services and again with a very simple treatment process.

To develop a reuse strategy, a number of equipment and technologies are needed to achieve the quality of the water needed for each particular use. At KEIKEN we can offer our experience and versatility to improve and implement more efficient processes in the treatment of residual effluents.
One of the projects of reuse and regeneration of effluents from KEIKEN, is located in the food industry, more specifically in the process of the olive. Reusing the water used for the initial washing of the olives, being able to regenerate it and reuse it as irrigation water. This process has an added value, as it increases the availability of water, directly affecting the improvement of the productivity of olives.

In all cases of regeneration and reuse, one or more tertiary or advanced treatments are required. Some examples of these tertiary/advanced treatments may include:

• Elimination of nutrients by biological methods, it may be wanted to eliminate nitrogen and phosphorus from an industrial effluent, alternating anoxic and aerobic stages to eliminate jointly the nutrients of the current to be treated.

• Active carbon adsorption. Adsorption is a separation operation based on retaining the components to be removed from the water on a solid (called adsorbent). The adsorbent is usually activated carbon, due to its versatility, good performance and competitive cost. KEIKEN's activated carbon ensures exceptional quality and high performance. We can offer active carbon powder, grain or pellets. Active carbon is a suitable substance for water treatment due to its high adsorption capacity of a wide range of pollutants including aromatic compounds, hydrocarbons, detergents, pesticides, soluble dyes, solvents Chlorinated, phenols and derivatives of hydroxyl groups.

• Disinfection. It consists of the selective destruction of disease-causing organisms, such as viruses and bacteria. For this purpose, chemical methods (such as water chlorination), physical (such as ultraviolet light) or mechanical (filters or sieves) can be used.

• Recycling using membranes, this type of treatment is usually included as tertiary or advanced (to retain unwanted compounds), and even as a method of disinfection, by retaining microorganisms. Examples of this type of process would be: microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis, among others.

At KEIKEN Engineering we can offer our services and propose, design, manufacture and implement the most efficient solution for every particular case.

We are committed to efficient and sustainable use of water, promoting the purification, regeneration and reuse of water in different permitted uses as:

• Irrigation of crops, gardens, green areas, forests or golf courses.

• Aquifer recharge and wetlands maintenance.

• In the industry as water cleaning facilities, heating water or refrigeration.

• Use in animal production products or aquaculture.

• Ponds with restricted access to the public.

Taking into account that, according to the legislation, some of the uses of regenerated/recycled water are not permitted: human consumption water, water used in public or closed spaces, for the use of the food industry or in facilities Hospital, cultivation of filtering molluscs in aquaculture, recreational use as bath water, among others.

To request our Water Treatment services, our Polyelectrolyte preparation equipment or more information, you can contact us by email info@keiken.es.