
Energy efficiency for industry: why is it the need of the hour?

Energy efficiency for industry: why is it the need of the hour?

Energy efficiency today is the keyword for sustainable development across several economies all across the globe. With intense focus driven towards combating the trends of climate change via greenhouse gas reduction, more and more industry leaders are now investing both time and money on energy efficiency for industry.

Strategic practices for energy management, along with energy-efficient operations, serve as a paramount action when it comes to the achievement of these goals. Any industry that has been optimized for energy efficiency, as well as cost effectiveness, might not actually achieve the absolute least of energy consumption. However, the focus here is on the achievement of a perfect balance between use and cost that helps business owners use energy resources as efficiently as possible.

Read: A Detailed Overview on Energy Efficiency for Industry and the Future of Energy

Why should industries focus on energy efficiency?

Today, we live in a scenario where the world is struggling with several problems associated with the perpetual population increase. Gas and oil, along with several other major industries, are trying their best to keep up with the increasing global demands for energy.

This mix of critical energy challenges is primarily characterized by stringent regulations, volatile prices, as well as insatiable consumer demand. Fortunately, with the protocol for energy efficiency for industry in place, you can reduce the overall energy consumption while minimizing the global waste product that comes from industries dedicated to manufacturing or similar stances.

So, what exactly are the underlying benefits of energy efficiency for industry?

Energy Efficiency for Industry: A Quick Glance

Industrial methodologies for energy efficiency come with a widespread positive impact on the business. Although most of this positive news revolves around greenhouse gas emission or energy savings, there are multiple indirect benefits with regard to productivity in the industry. Here are some of the indirect benefits listed out:

• Maintenance and operation savings
• Capital cost reduction (Immediate and future)
• Compliance cost reduction
• Enhanced employee productivity
• Better competitive spirit
• Creation of wealth and jobs in the industry

Energy Efficiency Protocol: Identification of the Weak Points

Almost every industry tends to face a commonly occurring challenge which is:
“Improvement of Productivity with Reduction of Energy Consumption”

As governments try their best to enforce tough energy-related regulations with regards to efficiency and emissions, the overall pricing for energy is now skyrocketing. With no measures in place to counteract the negative effects of the price hike in energy, industries might easily start to die out due to losses.
The great news is that the industries with lower productivity levels can do much more if only they learn to manage the factors that might have been stalling the progress scenario. When talking about the energy efficiency for industry, understanding the engineering/technical reasons could help locate why productivity has been poor with minimal returns.

So, what are the methods that can be used for energy efficiency for industry?

Efficient Solutions for Modern-Day Industries

The first thing to be done by an industry owner who wishes to invest in efficient protocols is to look for a reliable team that can get the job done in the right way. While you might try to do it all on your own, it isn’t simply a wise choice.

This is due to the fact that professionals that deal with energy efficient services know what goes into the protocol. They know the dos and don’ts of the industry with highly efficient strategies in place for maximum efficiency. They have years of experience to understand exactly what works and what doesn’t, which saves you a lot of time and money. This is why trusting a professional is the key to ultimate energy efficiency for industry.

Here are some of the methods used by professional service providers to introduce energy efficiency for industry.

• Assessment of the industry needs (Control and Instrumentation)
• Minimization of temperature or pressure losses
• Selection of efficient equipment (Pumps, motors, drives, etc.)
• Maintenance of energy-efficient standards
Core process modifications

How can industry owners reduce unwanted energy costs?

In order to make the manufacturing unit way more efficient in terms of energy at minimal expenses, companies can follow the protocols listed below:

1-Hire a team for efficient energy management:
One of the main reasons most of the cost-saving and energy management initiatives fail is due to the fact that there is no particular team in place to handle the situation. No one knows who is to take responsibility and what job is to be done by whom. This is why it is critical to hire a professional management team that knows how to get the job done in the best way possible. Bring in a service provider with a positive history that shows results with various niche-specific domains.

A team that knows the do-how of energy efficiency for industry can bring in better results while you get more time to focus on your company and handle it better.

Read : Detailing the Various Aspects of Energy Efficiency for Industry

2-Energy Audit for the Company:
An energy audit is another crucial factor that comes into play when you are looking for methodologies that can help reduce energy usage at minimal pricing. This can easily be performed by a dedicated team to check which operations in your company are using the maximum amount of energy along with suggestions that can help reduce the same. It will also help with the appropriate identification of the peak consumption times throughout the year. Your dedicated team will also offer top-notch recommendations that suggest which protocol will help save energy with the best investment return.

3-Strategic Use of Schedule Machinery:
With the use of the information collected from the industry’s energy audit, you can consider which particular machine consumes the maximum amount of energy to function. If possible, try to schedule the operation of such machines outside the peak hours. The peak hours tend to constitute about 30 percent of the bill paid by the manufacturing units.

4-Schedule the Start-Ups and Shut-Downs:
If most of your machines require manual start or manual shut down, the best move would be to opt for scheduled operations. With manual labor in the scene, there is a big possibility that your workforce might be running the machine beyond its required time. This can happen due to various issues and requires proper scheduling to ensure energy isn’t consumed for a period more than what is required by your manufacturing unit.

5-Air Compressor Optimization:
Another great protocol that can be adapted by business owners for energy efficiency for industry is through the optimization of the industrial-level air compressors. The compressors can be blamed for the consumption of a large amount of energy that ultimately goes to waste. While some are designed poorly, others are simply maintained improperly.

If you happen to have a single leak in the system, it can cost more than $500 for your business on a yearly basis. This is just a single leak we are talking about, and chances are, your air compressor might have multiple issues leading to high energy bills. So, this is one way to ensure that the businesses run optimally with maximum efficiency in place.

6-HVAC Audit:
Your HVAC system is responsible for the effective maintenance of comfort and air-quality within the production floor. Further, it is directly responsible for 50 percent of all energy consumption in your building or manufacturing unit. There are several variables that dictate the efficient operation of your HVAC system.

This is something that can easily be done by your dedicated energy management team. Depending on the energy consumption level, your team might suggest a complete system replacement, maintenance, or repair of critical parts of the same.


Although at first glance, energy efficiency for the industry is something that might not seem as important for your unit, a deeper glace would surely show how critical it is. With a dedicated team for energy efficiency for industry, you can focus on the macro-economic industry develop while exploring the broader possibilities for a positive industry as well as environmental impact.

Wishing you could bring down the energy consumption at your manufacturing unit? We are here to help! At Keiken Engineering, we opt for the best and most innovative strategies that help reduce the overall energy consumption at minimal capital investment. Our team is known for the reliable strategic workout of your work model to ensure there is no wastage of energy. To hire us today, give us a quick call at +34-93-681-1650. You can also send in your queries at info@keiken.es.