
Everything you need to know about the water treatment pilot plants

Everything you need to know about the water treatment pilot plants

Water treatment pilot plants are comprised of systems that are used for the validation of engineering, research, as well as technology used within a manufacturing unit or company. It also allows them to compare alternative or conventional water treatment methodologies for existing plant’s expansion or construction of new plants.The water treatment pilot plants are used for testing out critical business requisites such as regulations, compliance, design optimization, experiment safety, technological requirements, as well as training of professionals for water treatment.

Such dedicated service providers help custom engineer & manufacture the pilot plants for water treatment that are involved in testing applications via the use of:

• Reverse Osmosis
• Ultrafiltration, Nano and Microfiltration
• Adsorption Desalination
• Membrane Distillation
• Forward Osmosis
• Waste Water Treatment plants

And so on!

Benefits of opting for water treatment pilot plants

• Accurate estimates for engineering study & yearly/monthly budget
• Accurate selection of membranes
• Testing of alternate technologies
• It also helps provide data for improvement of the ongoing operating systems
• Establishment of tests for the compliance with regulatory standards
• They also help prove all the concepts while reproducing lab results over the pilot scale for verification of technical feasibilities in the proposed concepts under real conditions
• They also help compare multiple technologies for water treatment needs
• Under the guidance of water treatment pilot plants, there is an optimum training for professionals for water treatment
• It also brings about scope for proper optimization before investment

Now, let us jump on to the need or reasons for opting for the water treatment pilot plants.

Why should you opt for water treatment pilot plants?

• With the help of a dedicated plant, you can observe the processes operate currently while being under the operating ranges in real-time.
• You get to experience operation under realistic environmental conditions.
• It also helps to understand the overall operating costs and maintenance requirements of a plant.
• Having a large plant allows the key process of components to get utilized or acquire sufficient samples to be generated for in-depth analysis.
• It also allows the companies to replicate the physical conditions that cannot easily be achieved via small scale involvement.
• It also helps avoid any functional blockages that might occur in small companies.

What are the results acquired from water treatment pilot plant services?

The study for wastewater allows the determination of all the methodologies that can be used for the proper utilization of wastewater within the firm. These processes help bring down the overall energy consumption while taking care of all the critical requisites for any company. If and when the study for critical components is done in a proper manner, it can help identify all the contaminants in a proper manner. It also helps ensure that proper solutions for treatment are considered as well as implemented within the wastewater treatment methodology.

This particular step is particularly important when picking the topmost water treatment pilot plant system. After you get a roadmap of two to three technological platforms that adhere to your operating and base costs, running a treatability test shall help validate any assumptions. This is true for cases where there are any possible water contaminations with the need for solutions to remove the same.

Opting for water treatment pilot plant services helps streamline all the processes & takes out the guesswork. It further ensures that the facility is acquiring the best solutions for any unique solution. Also, you need to remember that a study might look thorough and beneficial on paper unless there is a pilot testing done on the field to ensure its effectiveness. Even though other issues can come up prior to picking the right components for the system, having pilot tests can help avoid any type of effluent violations inthe future.


Picking the best system for Desalination and waste water treatment for your manufacturing unit is seemingly complex. It requires a critical amount of time and effort to get things done in a proper manner. Now that everything about the water treatment pilot services is clear to you make sure you pick a company that can provide you proper solutions to work through all the requirements. Understanding the characterization factor for all the wastewater contaminants, effluent regulations, as well as results of treatability study through pilot tests, will help take your company to the desired direction for success.

Looking for experienced water treatment pilot plant services? At KEIKEN Engineering, we have a team that comes with more than 20 years of experience in manufacturing and custom-designing of Desalination and water treatment systems. We help ensure that all the methodologies and systems are in place for your business with no loss or wastage of energy. To know more about our services, you can get in touch with us at mailto:info@keiken.es. You can also give us a quick call at +34910577254.