
Keiken, exhibitor at WEFTEC 2018

Keiken, exhibitor at WEFTEC 2018

KEIKEN Engineering is present at the WEFTEC fair, one of the World's largest fairs in the water sector, which is being held this week between October 1st-3rd in New Orleans (Louisiana, USA).

Being able to consolidate our presence in the foreign market and to settle as a quality supplier of our different products and services: Compact and Pilot plants, Alternative Desalination, Water Treatment equipment, Filter Media (Anthracite, Active Carbon, etc.), MBBR Carriers and Filter Nozzles. Not forgetting our Energy Efficiency Department, which allows us to hybridize our plants with renewable energies to reduce the operating costs and energy, allowing a reduction of the Carbon Footprint.

In these days have dealt with different water industry issues such as water treatment, reuse, disinfection systems or control of water quality.

This experience is being very positive and would not have been possible without the support of the Catalan Water Partnership (CWP) and ACCIÓ. We leave a link to the news published by ACCIÓ. This year the WEFTEC fair has more than 1.000 exhibitors and expects more than 20.000 Visitors.

To request our Water Treatment Energy Efficiency services or more information, you can contact us by email info@keiken.es.